Monday, February 14, 2011

Study Launched to Evaluate Fraud Prevention and Fraud Detection Strategies - Invitation to Participate

Vonya Global will soon launch their bi-annual study on corporate strategies to address Fraud Prevention, Fraud Detection, and Fraud Deterrence. The Executive Study on the Strategic Plan for Fraud Prevention, Fraud Detection, and Fraud Deterrence compiles the opinions of Executives and Internal Auditors from private, public, and not-for-profit organizations, spanning many industries.

Historically, there have been several studies conducted about fraud and fraud statistics, but few that deal directly with the strategic plans to manage fraud risks. The timing of this study is appropriate due to the heightened sensitivity to fraud risk based on the economic conditions. It seems more groups, including regulatory bodies, investors, clients, and suppliers are increasingly concerned about the ability to demonstrate effective fraud prevention and fraud detection strategies.

"Companies should do more to deter and detect fraud. Costs go far beyond the simple dollars someone steals or gains through materially misstated financial statements. Loss to employees and stockholders can be substantial.” – a response from the 2009 Study

Vonya Global is currently seeking volunteers to participate in the study. Participation in the study will take roughly 15 minutes and all responses will be anonymous. To enroll in the study please visit Fraud Study. As a reward for participating, volunteers will be provided special access to the results and will be invited to a member’s only webinar.

Vonya Global is currently evaluating Media Sponsorship. The Media Sponsor will be provided rights to the distribution of the results and acknowledgment in the final report. It is expected that the final report will be ready by well over 5,000 executives in over 75 countries. To inquire about sponsorship please visit Fraud Study. Click on the link to send an email and list "Study Sponsorship" in the subject line.