Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NACD Directorship names its Top 50 Companies

The National Association of Corporate Directors magazine, "Directorship", has recently released its list of the top 50 "Best Performing, Best Governed Companies in the Fortune 500." Vonya Global applauds the publications effort to recognize the companies which place an emphasis on Corporate Governance, Ethics, Integrity, and Citizenship. There are hundreds of lists that rank companies based on revenue, profit margin, growth potential, and many other financial and non-financial metrics, but this is the first (and only that we know of) that includes these other, arguably more important metrics to the evaluation equation.

The article stated: "A great employer posts poor earnings or a great profit maker is not a terrific corporate citizen. These facts suggested that something should be done to recognize companies that are both far sighted in terms of corporate governance and producing returns for their shareholders."

The top rated company in the "Nifty Fifty" was Goldman Sachs and their CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, was named the "Directorship" CEO of the Year. Our heartfelt congratulations goes out to Mr. Blankfien and all the other companies which made it on the list.

Vonya Global and the NACD are not related organizations