Vonya Global is an international consulting firm specialized in internal audit and enhancing corporate governance. (www.vonyaglobal.com)
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
2010 Hot Internal Audit Topics - what will be on top of your list?
Monday, September 28, 2009
FINAL REPORT: Strategic Plan for Fraud Prevention, Fraud Detection, and Fraud Deterrence
- Internal Auditor Response
Historically, there have been several studies conducted about fraud and fraud statistics, but none that deal directly with the strategic plans to manage fraud risks. The timing of this study is appropriate due to the heightened sensitivity to fraud due to the economic conditions. It seems more groups, including regulatory bodies, investors, clients, and suppliers are increasingly concerned about the ability to demonstrate effective fraud prevention and fraud detection strategies.
One of the goals of this report is to help organizations begin to evaluate the investment in fraud prevention, fraud detection, and fraud deterrence to determine if there are more effective ways to manage fraud risk.
A copy of the full report can be downloaded by following this link: Fraud Prevention, Fraud Detection, & Fraud Deterrence Report
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fraud Detection: An Executive Briefing on Data Mining Techniques
Fraud Detection Workshop, October 27, 2009
Fraud schemes are not complex. Yet, fraud is rarely caught until it is too late. Why? Understanding the fraud scheme is not enough. Identifying the fraud concealment strategy and how it is portrayed in data is the only way to detect fraud. It is essential to learn how to detect fraud before it is too late.
Data mining is the key tool to locate and recognize fraudulent transactions. This workshop will demonstrate:
- How to build a fraud scenario approach
- How to map data fields to fraud scenarios
- How to interpret data for patterns and frequency of fictitious vendors
- How to build the fraud audit plan to include data mining
The workshop will be held in